By tunggul.fardiaz
This morning I woke up at 2.30 in the morning, noticed that my computer is still running but not logged in. Then I woke up, reading some high quality materials (such as playboy and fhm), then I played the new roms I downloaded yesterday, Dr.Sudoku. First I tried the easiest, ok it is solved in 5 minutes, then I tried the harder one, and... in one hour I could'nt solved it, and I restarted the game twice, just for 2 box left, damn.. you sudoku, you are an addicting game. I even thought to bring the game to campus.
This is the f*king game...
pic taken from http://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/5462/2h/images.gamezone.com/screens/28/4/32/s28432_GBA_10.jpg
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